Man of Stone CD
Man of Stone CD
Release date: May 14, 2013
Track Listing
- Controlled Burn
- Man of Stone
- Murmuring State
- The Running of the Bulls
- Eastern Standard Time
- Out of the Ground
- Somewhere I Believe
- Flash Boom
- Field of Snow
- Learn Again
In the summer of 2010, Tim Harrington and Paul Wright were playing for spare change in Boston's Faneuil Hall Marketplace. In two short years since, Tall Heights has headlined packed listening rooms across the USA, showcased at South By Southwest Music Festival, and performed alongside national acts like David Wilcox, Ryan Montbleau, and Andrew Belle. For the duo's debut full-length effort, Man of Stone (May, 2013), Tall Heights returns to the home studio, sinking deeper into the vast world they've meticulously built for two. The title track and first single, Man of Stone, recalls a time when cavemen documented day-to-day existence on the walls of their stone-sheltered dwellings. "Emblems of cavemen they taught me / the importance of typing in bold," contextualizes the rest of the record and challenges a careful listener to view each song as a vital documentation of what is both banal and extraordinary. The record exists in a fire-lit, shadowy space for their growing army of fans to inhabit.